Saying NO to the governments systems of control and spreading TRUTH about our status quo Ξ√ΩLUT↑☼N anyone??

Read it and weep, my Scottish cousins.

Aw hell I wonder how many of you know about this little tale?

A fine artical here by Captain Ranty titled Whose Brine Is It Anyway?

Get on over there and read the bugger, mybe this will make you sit up.

Have a snippet,

“If you are Scottish, you will not like what follows.

In 1999, Labour politician and later Scottish First Minister-from 2000-2001-Henry McLeish signed away ownership to the waters surrounding Scotland. He gave away oil, gas, fish, and all that presumed wave-power the Scots thought were theirs by birthright.

Have we learned yet? Politicians never give. But they take plenty. It doesn’t even have to belong to them in the first place.

If there was ever a reason for the 5.2 million Scots to rise up, or at least enter Lawful Rebellion, it is this.

Read it and weep, my Scottish cousins.
Then, cause a stramash. It’s in your DNA. You are good at it when you need to be. Remember the Poll Tax? That was a scratch. This is an amputation. As usual, you were not asked. It all happened in secret.”

2 responses

  1. Thanks for the link mate!

    Subrosa now has it as well so it will get a damn good read across Scotland.

    Time for the Celts to fire up the forges and get some new claymores made!!


    September 29, 2011 at 7:32 pm

    • Fantastic Capt`n, I hope my fellow Celts have the fire they once had, I know how it goes though I am a welshman.

      September 29, 2011 at 8:02 pm

So what do you think?