Saying NO to the governments systems of control and spreading TRUTH about our status quo Ξ√ΩLUT↑☼N anyone??

Posts tagged “London

The truth about the london riots

Ok then here we have it, a look into the truth about the London riots from one of the best vid makers out there The Light.

Footage from the BBC, Sky, IPCC, Cameron and more, so if the government is looking for another scape goat it had better look at MSM and its self first, you are the only ones that can decide the truth, look at this for what it is.

My continuing research into possible causal effects brought these vids to my attention, and it is my hope that an understanding may soon be found, but some-how I don’t think the government are going to like it.

AND DONT RIOT, it’s not helping anyone, don’t let the actions of the few tarnish our reputation.


Part 2



Hmm maybe this next vid can clarify or add to the possible reasons for the rioting? Now I don’t know the facts here but my eyes don’t lie, did that kid deserve what he got? Is this the sort of Policing you want?

Be carefull what you wish for.!!!!!!!!!!


Scrubbed – Explosive BBC London Riots Interview – Violence Sparked By Police Beating Girl

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Image via Wikipedia

BBC keeping this quiet then eh, I wonder why?

Also it is noted that the media are not talking about the reasons for the current global unrest, I don’t condone the violence at all, but can say with hand on heart that I could see it coming, this site has even been known to warn against it, complacency does not live here.

The governmental media machine today continues to fully focus on each and every shard of glass, distracting from the fact that government after bloody government brought this nation to where it is now, the creation of social division through the corporate model of greed and succeed separated this nation into haves and have-nots, the corporations successfully programmed the population into thinking that they could buy that million inch plasma TV (terms and conditions apply), only to realise that it was never within there reach because if they want to be top earners they now have to pay thousands of pounds for YEARS to accomplish that, of course if they are from a well to do family in the first place there is never a problem.

Has these governments ever heard of equality?

So with the creation of all of that “want” we find the youth of today watching their parents lose their jobs, lose their homes, lose their pensions, they see shops closing, the police beating up people parading around a law unto themselves never to be questioned, corrupt MP`s caught lining their nests, even corrupt heads of the police, markets crashing, global protesting & riots, they see fucking protests here FAIL because the government wont listen to its population, they see the raping and polluting of our planet and they see war, and WE forget them!!!

Its meant to be all about our children’s future isn’t it? so why the hell have WE done nothing to safe-guard their future, all I see is greedy selfish humans.

The youth of today (and older) see no future under the current systems, the youth of today want a new way forward and because YOU did not listen to them they are to try to do this without the un-trusted governments and adults, so don’t even bother crying about it, its YOUR OWN mess because YOU consented to everything the government ever did, and out of this YOU WILL consent to further oppression for your own good.

PROBLEM REACTION SOLUTION, look it up and wake up to whats really happening, not to what you are told by the BBC and government is happening.

DAVID ICKE – PROBLEM – REACTION – SOLUTION – LONDON RIOTS plus video evidence of the beating of the 16 year old girl.

March 26 TAKE ACTION NOW! YOU need to demonstrate against government cuts

A wake up call (again) for those still sleeping in la la land, cock-a-doodle-do, brrrrring, beep beep beep, I despair if you dont understand any of this by now, join in with this action, NOW is YOUR chance to change things for the better, where will YOU say you were when we look back to MARCH 26th????

UK MPs grill Met over March 26 protest

Hmmm it looks like the MP`s can smell the shit that’s about to hit the fan, well they all have brown noses anyway a little bit more wont hurt, its funny these days just watching any MP on the old telly or pc, look into their eyes you can see that somethings bothering them, that shakyness to the voice speaks volumes.

Anyway this in from press TV,


British Members of Parliament, being anxious for the March 26 anti-cuts demonstration, are to grill Met Police to prevent the heavy-handed tactics it used to apply on students.

A number of Parliament’s joint committee on human rights are extremely worried about the dangerous tactics the police may use to confront the May 26 demonstrators.

Met Police used “kettling” tactics during students’ protests, which caused a chaos across the country.

The committee asked the Met’s Commander Bob Broadhurst, Assistant Commissioner Lynne Owens, chief TUC steward and TUC head of campaigns Nigel Stanley to answer MPs questions.

According to MPs, the tactics the police force may use, could spread anger among peaceful demonstrators

There will be a huge demonstration in Hyde Park on March 26. Ed Miliband, Labour leader, has said he would give a speech in Hyde Park. However, he has not yet said if he would join the central London march afterward. Peter Hain, a Labour shadow cabinet member, has said he would march with the protestors.

Hundreds of public transportation vehicles will bring thousands of activists and protestors to join the demonstration.

The anti-cuts demonstration is to be held on March 26, started at 1100 GMT on the Victoria Embankment between Temple Place and Blackfriars.