Saying NO to the governments systems of control and spreading TRUTH about our status quo Ξ√ΩLUT↑☼N anyone??

Posts tagged “Riot

London Rioter gets hardcore

Just had to pass this one on, WARNING DISTURBING VID, please don’t watch this if you are easily offended, I don’t want anyone to have nightmares, make sure you are sitting down before watching, I have never been shocked as much as this in my life, this sort of thing must end now.


Hmm maybe this next vid can clarify or add to the possible reasons for the rioting? Now I don’t know the facts here but my eyes don’t lie, did that kid deserve what he got? Is this the sort of Policing you want?

Be carefull what you wish for.!!!!!!!!!!



Riot part 2

Image by interrobang via Flickr

In light of last nights riot I feel the need to point out a little something the MSM dare not speak.

Currently we are seeing mass civil unrest and rioting on a GLOBAL scale most of it un-reported, some of which are connected and some of which that appear un-connected, am I the only one who realises that ALL are deeply connected regardless of the “spark” that sets them ablaze.

So what is the connection?

The connection stems from the global tyranny that has infected humanity since the corporate political take over of every country on the face of this planet, the power and wealth hungry elites have been caught in their human engineering exploits to convert each and every one of us into willing slaves here to perpetuate their life-style, all under the false heading of us improving our-selves, they have been caught lying, they have been caught stealing, they have been caught manipulating media to feed us with propaganda, always IN THE NATIONS INTEREST, isn’t it up to the UK population to decide whats good for the country, and not just a few hundred at the top who are just in it to protect their own interests.

We already know that we don’t live in a democracy, if you think that we do just wiki the word and see all the differing types of it, so why the hell are we all about promoting something we are not, by definition we are living in a monarchy not a democracy you can’t have them both.

Now about those riots, the whole nation is un-happy with the way things have been run by all governments not just this current one, and in this age of information sharing we can now get the facts instantly before the government lap-dogs get to butter things up towards the governments way (as seen on the BBC), and what has this done eh? it has shocked the nation simple as that, the truth hurts and we are hurting, and the governments know that their solutions will hurt even more, don’t try to kid your self into thinking that none of this was planned either, I refer you to my last post to figure that one out.

Humans are ready to rebel over the slightest thing these days, just give them that “spark” and watch as our nation re-configures its-self.