Saying NO to the governments systems of control and spreading TRUTH about our status quo Ξ√ΩLUT↑☼N anyone??

What is their New World Order

Going to start this post off with some quotes that some may not know, just click on the name of the person to get more info on them.

“There has long been a hidden agenda to merge America and Russia under the New World Order.” – Vladimir Zhirinovsky

“The world needs a new world order. I am here to alert you that we are entering a period of world disorder.” – George Soros, Jan 27, 1995

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.” – Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization.

“The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.” – Benjamin Disraeli, 1844.

Ok so trying (but failing) to spare you a novel sized post let me have a go at summing things up a bit, the NWO historically has been a strive for a continuation of power presented to you under the mask of unity and peace, these pointers are relevent here because this is exactly what the NWO is.

Checking the offensive use of force (by force)

Promoting collective security (by force) and,

Using great power cooperation (by force).

Most of the rest involves your continued loss of liberty, militarization of the police, economic colaps to promote a solution that you pay for, sounding familiar yet? it should, it’s all for your control, you happy slaves you. (ok not so happy slaves)

If you’re not getting it yet, try this, World Government, it’s a lot to take in but needed to understand where we are right now.

It’s all about capital.

It’s not enough for the elite 1% to be masters of economic capital (cash and financial assets) alone, and in fact there are three other types of capital which are equally significant: social, cultural and symbolic capital. It was French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu who introduced this extended definition of capital. He said of capital that it applied “to all the goods material and symbolic, without distinction, that present themselves as rare and worthy of being sought after in a particular social formation”.

1) Social capital. Think of this as the groups and networks to which you belong, and the quality of the relationships you enjoy. Do you belong to the elite Harvard circle or the Bullingdon Club? Do you get an invite to Bohemian Grove? Do you mix with millionaires, with politicians and celebrities? Who will help you when the chips are down? Who will support you?

Do you think the people born into privilege ever have “hard times”? Bourdieu described social capital as “the aggregate of the actual or potential resources which are linked to possession of a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition.” Most of us have low social capital.

We don’t know anyone significant or with any meaningful resources. Our networks are transient, low-level and can’t help us to set up a business or make any real difference in our lives. It’s the elite who define all important forms of social capital, and they establish exclusive groups for the rich in order to perpetuate their elite status. Everyone wants to join their groups; they have no interest in joining yours.

2) Cultural capital. Think of this as the extent to which you share the cultural values of the elite (they are the ones who shape the cultural values). Do you like what they like? Do you like opera, ballet, classical music, modern art, fine wine, high cuisine, literary fiction, exclusive holidays in luxury resorts where hoi polloi never go? If you want to have a higher status in society, you have to be knowledgeable about the cultural values of the top 1%. If you share their values, they might invite you into their charmed circle.

If all you can talk about is “working class” culture, they will regard you as a barbarian and you will never get any invites. “Social climbing” is all about adopting the necessary values to allow you to mix easily with the ruling elite.

If you have low economic capital but high cultural capital, you might be able to ascend the social ladder to some extent. If you have low cultural capital but high economic capital, you will always be regarded as “vulgar”, as “new money”.

So, cultural capital is about “table manners”, the extent to which you can exhibit refined taste (such taste being dictated by the value system of the elite, which is designed to exclude 99% of the people). Bourdieu refers to cultural capital most especially in relation to education.

That’s the primary arena where you can adopt the values of the elite and gain a higher status for yourself. If you reject education, you are unlikely to acquire any cultural capital.

You will be more like Tony Montana in Scarface – an uncouth, violent thug with no class. Most parents are clueless about how to acquire cultural capital, and so their children are equally ignorant. You don’t get it by eating junk food, watching TV and playing video games.

Cultural capital – non-financial social nous; knowing what the elite like – can help you with your networking (social capital) and then lead to the acquisition of greater economic capital because you will get a better job than those lacking cultural capital. Understanding cultural capital is the best route to social mobility for anyone outside the privileged elite.

Cultural capital opens the doors that would otherwise be locked. But, crucially, it’s all about embracing the values of a profoundly elitist and snobbish group who despise ordinary people. Why should you have to play that game in order to get on in the world? And what would it say about you if you did play along?

3) Symbolic capital. This is perhaps most important of all because it targets the imagination. Consider the “Royal Wedding” in the UK. Think of all the pomp, splendour and grandeur put on show, the projection of the power and glory of the British Establishment. All of this is designed to emphasize the legitimacy of the regime and to show any republicans that when they denounce the Queen, they stand opposed to the whole British nation.

Think of the importance of the American flag and the Star Spangled Banner anthem to ordinary Americans. Think of the power of the Koran over the collective Muslim mind. Think of Ferrari cars, Rolex watches, designer labels and so on. People crave certain consumer goods not because they have great intrinsic value but because they are priceless in terms of symbolic value. Everyone wants the symbols that impress others.

People are obsessed with signs and symbols. We are all judging each other according to the signs and symbols we have on show. These are the basis of STATUS, and underpin the perpetual status war in which we are all engaged. Everyone wants to have the signs and symbols associated with the highest status, so the rich are always the winners in the status war.

Symbolic capital is all about prestige, honour, recognition, glory, status, your place in the pecking order.

Personally I WANT a NWO, I just don’t want theirs, fuck em, fuck em all.

2 responses

  1. Sounds good Bill, but we already have supposed humanist groups all over the place, each with their own selfish agenda, the only thing I can see that may lead us to “boldly go” would be an event of some sort.

    December 16, 2011 at 2:33 pm

  2. GalacticEye

    I’m all-in with that last bit..maybe a Humanist World Order? Something that might lead us to ‘boldy go’? 🙂

    December 14, 2011 at 10:36 pm

So what do you think?