Saying NO to the governments systems of control and spreading TRUTH about our status quo Ξ√ΩLUT↑☼N anyone??

Posts tagged “United States

How Does NSA Get Away With Running Top Secret Menwith Hill in the UK?

RAF Menwith Hill, a large ECHELON site in the ...

Image via Wikipedia

North Yorkshire in the UK is known for its undulating and verdurous hillsides, scattered with walkers and sheep poo, cozy country pubs selling ‘real’ ale and Yorkshire bitter, and simple folk who talk funny.

This tranquil and traditional corner of England at its most ‘English’ is the lastplace you would expect to find a $10 billion dollar “star wars” inspired defence shield that houses 33 satellite dishes, enclosed within giant ‘golf balls’ that receive data from four SBIR satellites 24,000 miles above earth.

This almost unbelievable scenario is the situation with Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire, the home of a major US military site that has been shrouded in secrecy during its two-decade construction.

It has now been reported as the site for “Echelon”, the top secret US eavesdropping system that intercepts communications from around the world.

A Space Based Infrared System

The project at the RAF Menwith Hill base is linked to Buckley, in Colorado, a military Air Force base that houses approximately 100,000 military personnel, as well as the 460th space wing of the US Air Force Space Command.

The Command provides “missile warning, missile defence, technical intelligence, satellite command and control, and robust aerospace communications,” according to the website.

The Space Based Infared System that will alert the US to the launch of ballistic missiles is expected to be operational before the end of 2011.

Its looming completion and the fact that the site has been cloaked in such secrecy has naturally sparked a wave of criticism. That criticism has come from many quarters – not only come from the usual peace and anti-war campaigners.

Environmentalists and walkers of the area have had their pretty morning walk through the Yorkshire countryside infinitely spoiled with the erection of “star wars” inspired golf balls that are a blatant symbol of war and destruction. Local taxpayers also wonder if they have contributed to the $10 billion required to complete the project. Finally, there are many others who fear that space is in danger of becoming militarized.

Perhaps most worryingly are the concerns those that wonder how the NSA gets away with running such a top secret US military site in the UK – further evidence of the UK being an ‘eternal lackey’ to the US.


“Apocalypse Equation”


Image by mikelehen via Flickr

You never know, it could be true, I dunno !!

A chilling report on the phone call held between President’s Medvedev and Obama prior to the public announcement that Osama bin Laden had been killed says that also discussed by the American President with the Kremlin was that the much feared time for the dreaded “Apocalypse Equation” may be now, not later.

The “Apocalypse Equation” refers to report authored by one of the most secretive women in US intelligence circles named Audrey Tomason [photo top left in White House Situation Room during the assault on bin Laden compound] who is Obama’s Director for Counterterrorism and while attending Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government wrote a master thesis [now classified by the US as “top-secret”] suggesting that it would be more humane for our world to undergo a “planned and controlled genocide” rather than to see it descend into the abyss of chaos it is now entering.

According to Ms Tomason’s “Apocalypse Equation” the “sustainable population” of our world can only be 1.5 billion human beings, as compared to the United Nations estimate of 7 billion we will reach on October 31st of this year, and the even worse figure of 10 billion estimated by 2100.

Ms Tomason argues in her thesis that our world’s population has been “artificially inflated” for the past nearly 100 years by a “non-sustainable” petrochemical and fossil fuel based global economy that if left “unchecked” could very well destroy all life on Earth, not just human beings.

Independent reports, unfortunately, strongly back Ms Tomason’s dire warnings with one of the most disturbing graphics [2nd photo left] produced by the PostPeakLiving.Com research group showing that, indeed, our world’s population has grown more since the use of petrochemicals than in all of its previous history.

Important to note about petroleum [otherwise known as crude oil] is that is a naturally occurring, flammable liquid consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons that underpins the entire global economy and which without life as we know it would not exist.

Most people believe that the major use petroleum is for the fueling of vehicles, boats and aircraft through its distillation into various fuels such as gasoline (petrol), diesel, jet fuel, and the like, but they couldn’t be more mistaken as the major use of oil is in agriculture as nearly all pesticides, and many fertilizers, are made from it.

And the most critical fact facing our world today, as Ms Tomason’s thesis points out, is that the “oil boom” of the last century is not only over, the fight by nation-states to preserve our Earth’s dwindling supplies for themselves threatens global war on a scale never before seen in human history, and which, in fact, have already begun as the energy starved West continues to launch new wars to protect themselves from economic collapse.

Most amazing to note about our world’s present predicament in regards to oil is that is one of the longest “slow motion train wrecks” in history as since 1956, it has been warned about.

In fact, it was in 1956 that the great Royal Dutch Shell geoscientist Marion King Hubbert (1903-1989) warned in his presentation to the American Petroleum Institute that our world was running out of oil and that the “peak” production of oil in the United States would be reached in 1970 and for the rest of the world in the first decade of the 21st century.

To visually illustrate his warning he created the now famous “Hubbert Curve” [4th photo left] that since its 1956 release has proved 100% accurate with the peak of global oil discoveries occurring in 1963 and the US, indeed, reaching the peak of its production in 1970.

At this point it is important to understand that nearly all Western governments continue to propagate their decade’s long deception to their citizens over the grave state our world is in with regards to oil and energy resources, most especially in regards to the illusion that so-called “green energy” projects can sustain us.

Nothing could be further from the truth as these “green energy” [solar, wind, geothermal, etc.] sources currently make up under .05% of total global energy production, do nothing for agriculture (the main use of oil), and to build them up to supply our world’s total energy needs would cost more money than the world has, and would take nearly 200 years to complete.

Ms Tomason continues in her dire thesis that along with the energy and food “shocks” the global monetary systems will face collapse too as it has, likewise, been “artificially inflated” beyond “all sustainable measures” due to its link with oil production.

Making matters worse, Ms Tomason explains, is that since the United States reached its peak oil production in 1970, it failed to “counter-balance” its economy to reflect it, opting, instead, to keep its economy “artificially inflated” by decoupling the US Dollar from the gold standard in 1972 (called the “Nixon Shock”) and allowing their currency to become, in essence, “worthless pieces of paper.”

During the 20th century alone the US Dollar lost nearly 80% of its purchasing power [5th photo left] leaving tens-of-millions of Americans jobless as their once mighty manufacturing base was shifted to lower priced overseas markets, a situation termed “catastrophic” by Ms Tomason, because the American currency is, also, our world’s only reserve currency whose deflation has ensured the destruction of “everything.”

To understand how enormous, and dangerous, this complex economic situation has become one has to realize that the Gross National Product (GDP) of the entire world is just over $55 Trillion a year as opposed to over $2,000 Trillion in total debt outstanding leading to what is called “The Great Credit Contraction” [6th photo left] which will, literally, evaporate all the wealth in the world virtually overnight.

Most important to understand about what will surely be the greatest economic collapse in human history is that “mainstream” economists will tell you nothing about it, and they reason they won’t tell you is shocking, to say the least.

After the global economic collapse of 2008, Professor of Economics Dirk Bezemer at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands conducted a survey of nearly all the world’s economists to discover why none of the “mainstream” economists (even Nobel Prize winners) failed to see what was coming.  What he discovered were exactly 11 researchers [see list of them here] who accurately predicted the 2008 economic collapse and they all had one thing in common when creating their models, they included debt.

That’s right; nearly all of the economists in the world DO NOT factor in debt when creating their economic models leaving them worthless to predict what will happen, especially those working for governments having political motivations. Ms Tomason, however, does include debt in her thesis and further warned that by 2011 the US Dollar “could very well begin crashing,” and which a CNBC news report is, also, saying is now underway.

Upon the collapse of the US Dollar, Ms Tomason asserts in her thesis, the entire global economy will crash plunging billions of human beings, including hundreds-of-millions in Western nations, into the lowest scale of “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.” [Photo bottom left]

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a theory in psychology, proposed by Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) in his 1943 paper A Theory of Human Motivation that, basically, states human beings will first strive for “Basic Needs” (survival) before they’ll seek “Safety Needs” (comfort), and once having those needs met will strive next for “Psychological Needs”, “Self-Actualization” and, finally, “Peak Experiences.”

Ms Tomason states in her thesis that any population suffering an economic collapse and reverting to “Basic Needs” will be “ungovernable” and pose “tremendous risks” to the state leading to “wholesale breakdown of law and order.”

Ms Tomason further argues in her “Apocalypse Equation” thesis that since the collapse of civilization as we know it is “inevitable,” world leaders should consider the possibility of “mass genocide” to reduce our world’s population to a more “sustainable level commensurate with our Earth’s resources.”

The chilling genocidal scenario envisioned by Ms Tomason begins with a “limited nuclear conflict” targeted at major population centers, but designed to limit the fallout of radiation. Next would be the release of toxic chemical and biological agents she suggests could be blamed on “terrorist entities” to be followed by forced mass migration of populations to more “sustainable living environments.”

Ms Tomason envisions these “sustainable living environments” as being large population centers with mass transit systems where no personal vehicles would be allowed and the rural areas would be completely depopulated except for government-run agricultural “systems.”

Prior to the initiation of these apocalyptic events Ms Tomason argues for the establishment of government-run and protected “concentration camps” where “persons of worth” can be protected while the masses of their fellow citizens die by the millions and billions.  Those deemed “persons of worth” would include scientists, doctors, technical specialist, etc.

Most unfortunately for all human beings is that Ms Tomason’s “Apocalypse Equation” now appears to be the accepted paradigm of our world’s leaders who see no other option if our Earth is to survive, and leading one to hope that the “gods” will return much sooner than later if anything is to be saved at all.

Freedom lol


Image by jonycunha via Flickr

Can anyone really say that they are free? Tell you what lets look at freedom and you can decide for yourself, as per usual there may be some swearing in this post so in the interests of the delicate feck off and read something else, but I would rather you stay you might wake up, its only words no harm done.

Ok then FREEDOM, what the hell is this freedom thing eh? We all have our personal interpretations of it and we all think that we are to a certain extent free (fucking lol sorry), into some history of the word we find that the ancient Sumerian people had the first explanation for the word which was more of a feeling than anything else, The English word “freedom” is an Anglo-Saxon word combining the words “free” and “doom.” The word “free” has etymological origins in not having a halter, friend, peace, love, dear and noble. The word “doom” means law and personal judgement or opinion. So a free person does not have a halter round his neck and so is no one’s slave or servant and so is a noble person. Such a person follows his own well considered personal judgment which is within the law. Freedom is a sociological concept and without society the word has no meaning. Liberty is often used as an alternative to freedom.

Hmm so far so good I suppose, is that describing you at all?

Above we can note the word “noble” which as we know refers to the “nobility” to quote wiki here “Nobility is a state-privileged status which is generally hereditary. The privileges associated with nobility may constitute substantial advantages over or relative to non-nobles, or may be largely honorary (e.g. precedence), but are maintained, or at least officially acknowledged, by law or government. Titles of nobility have often been associated with present or past monarchies.

Oh dear that does not sound like me, how about you?

So moving on now to more detail, Freedom is traditionally understood as independence of the arbitrary will of another. Such a state is contrasted with slavery. A slave is constantly subject to the will of another. By contrast a free person can do whatever he chooses as long as he does not break the law and infringe on the freedom of others. This has been described as external freedom or “negative liberty.” To the layman (me and you), this is understood as: “your freedom ends where my nose begins.”

Fuck that sounds more like me, but wait that would mean that I am a free slave, a contradiction if I ever saw one.

Here is more. There is also the sense of inner freedom which exists where free will is followed by free action. A person who does not succeed in doing what he sets out to do, because his will fails, is in a sense unfree, a slave to his passions. His will is not free because it is subject to momentary impulses which distract him from accomplishing what he had determined to do. An example would be a person who is an addict. He may want to give up his addiction but cannot and the decisions he makes are shaped by the need to feed the addiction. So freedom comes from self-control. Goethe said, “From the forces that all creatures bind, who overcomes himself his freedom finds.”

Ok I can live with that.

So complete freedom includes the inner freedom of the will and the external freedom of the environment such that a person’s plans and deliberations are not arbitrarily thwarted by either himself or some other agency, yea it sounds good but it’s not going to happen is it, that “thwarted” bit stands out to me, so who is doing the “thwarting” here, well in part we thwart ourselves through fearing those who seek our control (governments), but that’s not the half of it is it, everyday we do things that we think are right, we walk about adhering to rules and acts that affect everything in our daily lives because we think it’s for our own good, but most of those rules are common sense so why do we need some jumped up little power-hungry pricks in our lives to enforce them, can’t we be trusted?

Why do we even need these fuckers trust, if we are all common law-abiding and consent to the more common sense acts we are all equals are we not? No we are not equals as in the case of the nobility or shall we call them the “elite”, so back to it we are slaves by our own actions enforced by the governmental elites, lets put a stop to it eh, lets tell our masters to fuck off, let us run our own lives in a peaceful way always respectful and tolerant to others.

Just try it, fuck em, live your life starting right now, feel truly FREE in every sense of the word.

So what are you waiting for LET GO !!


    Its Not Your Fault (really?)

    Barbed tape at a prison

    Image via Wikipedia

    The Prison of the Mind

    People securely in prison pose no threat to those outside the prison walls. Imagine you could construct a prison – a prison of the mind – from which those inside can never threaten your power and control.

    What are some of the things a psychologist of mass control might come up with?

    1) “Turn the other cheek”. If I’m relentlessly hurting you, stealing from you, abusing you, the ideal scenario for me would be for you not to fight back, for you to turn the other cheek and let me keep doing it. Cui bono? The abusers or the abused?

    2) “Wait for the kingdom of heaven to enjoy the rewards of your earthly struggle.” If I’m enjoying the pleasures of the world, I don’t wish others to take those pleasures from me. How do I ensure they don’t? I say to them that they shouldn’t trouble themselves with enjoying themselves here and now, on this earth during these lives of theirs. They should keep rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s i.e. they should let the rich keep taking from them. They should have their eyes pointed at some future state (heaven) rather than the state of things right now. Cui bono? Those who already have, or those who don’t have?

    3) The American dream. If you work hard, you will get your rewards. If you’re not getting your rewards ipso facto you’re not working hard enough. So, the tens of millions of Americans who work incredibly hard but come home with scarcely a cent in their pockets are at fault, whereas the lazy, inept, privileged investment bankers who walk off into the sunset with tens of millions of dollars obviously fully deserve it for all of their “hard work”. (Consider the economic meltdown – who caused it? Not you. Who’s paying for it? You, of course. When will you wise up?) Cui bono? Those who are already rich, or those who dream of being rich?

    4) In the UK, the national lottery uses a slogan, “It could be you.” Yes, it could be, but the odds are 14 million to one against so it almost certainly won’t be. The American Dream is the same. You could be one of the handful that comes from nowhere to enjoy spectacular riches. But if the odds are millions to one against, the American Dream is as accessible to you as a lottery win. Stop dreaming. The psychologists of control – those who already have all they wish – are the creators of the American Dream. It is one of their finest levers of control. The American reality is that two mediocre individuals who are no exemplars of hard work – George Bush, senior and junior – became Presidents. How did they manage it? Did they follow the American Dream, or did they happen to be born into an extremely rich and influential family? The American Dream is a fantasy – and a fantastic means of controlling the desperate masses. Only an idiot worships a fantasy.

    Are you beginning to see what you’re up against?

    The psychologists of mass mind control need no concentration camps when people will believe whatever self-serving line they sell them.

    Welcome to the Old World Order.

    What is the Old World Order’s favourite slogan?

    “There’s a sucker born every

    Isn’t it time to stop being a sucker?

    Rise Up! Revolution Against The New World Order!

    As if anyone needs any more reminders, here is yet another great motivator, come on people the world is uniting against these bastards, ARE YOU??

    US Embassy Diplomat Van Plows Through Cairo Protesters

    US embassy staff or stolen van YOU decide, consider how difficult it would be to steal such a van.

    2011 Global Revolution Goes Viral Enough=Enough

    26 Different countries protest their governments so far in 2011, if you watched zeitgeist to the end you have got to ask yourself, IS IT TIME?? IS IT REALY TIME??

    They are taking it to the streets for many many reasons that all stem from GOVERNMENT CONTROL over people’s everyday lives, is YOUR country next???

    Take a stand make a change away from government tyranny and rule, you can do it, you were never alone!!!!!


    Earth inc. – The modern world in 9 minutes

    Now then this next vid pulls no punches, it has a straight forward style that some may find a bit negative, but the truth as we say can and will hurt those who live their lives in the dark, try to think on how we can change the way we live rather than dwelling on the way we are now, reminders such as this play a role in guidance to a more positive outlook. Love the truth, spread the truth, LIVE the truth.

    Oh yea and while your doing that dont forget to check out this great youtube channel







    500+Trillion Fraud leading us into WWIII

    Ahh the sweet smell of truth, my suggestions right about here are to do a little research into these subjects, don’t listen to bankers or government repeaters, check this stuff out yourself, a tiny part of your time away from the TV will work wonders, I mean come on now you dont realy need people like me to tell you this stuff eh??

    You do have your own mind dont you??