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Posts tagged “Trades Union Congress

TUC warns UK against return to 80s

Margaret Thatcher, former Prime Minister of th...

Image via Wikipedia

With just a few short days to go I am still left wondering if any differences will be made, I suppose it all rests on the amount of passion the British public can convey, differing groups within the protests will be doing their damned hardest to be heard and of course in the aftermath the press and police will be looking for that usual supposed bad element in the crowd, will we see something positive out of this action or will it be the same old predictable “shout as loud as you like you will be un-heard anyway”.
Britain’s Trades Union Congress (TUC) has warned against the country’s plunging into a crisis like the dark and divisive days of the 1980s.

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said the country could turn to a meaner, nastier place than the dark and divisive days of the 1980s, unless the government revises its policy of savage cuts, the daily Mirror reported.

Barber compared the coalition government with the Thatcher government of the 80s, and said it is vital, as many people as possible take part in Saturday’s March for an Alternative, to clearly show their anger and opposition to the government policies.

It is expected that more than 100,000 people attend the TUC-organized anti-cuts rallies in London on Saturday March 26.

“This marks a really new phase in the whole of this Parliament and is potentially of real­political significance,” Barber added.

“It will be the British people not just trade union members, but people who use services, rely on services, people in voluntary groups and community groups looking for a way of expressing their anger and opposition,” the TUC general secretary went on to say.

“They [the cuts] are hitting the poorest and weakest hardest and we need to send a message that the British people oppose what they are doing and they need to change course,” Barber noted.

He unleashed his strongest attack yet on british Prime Minister David Cameron, saying that his government was worse than Margaret Thatcher’s government of the 80s.

Barber also warned the government the Saturday march was the start of a summer of protests.

“Local groups have started to work together as they see the implications, whether it’s libraries or services that support old people or facilities for young people. And after March 26 this campaign isn’t going to be going away. We are going to be putting pressure on MPs, particularly Coalition MPs in their constituencies.”

March 26 TAKE ACTION NOW! YOU need to demonstrate against government cuts

A wake up call (again) for those still sleeping in la la land, cock-a-doodle-do, brrrrring, beep beep beep, I despair if you dont understand any of this by now, join in with this action, NOW is YOUR chance to change things for the better, where will YOU say you were when we look back to MARCH 26th????

UK MPs grill Met over March 26 protest

Hmmm it looks like the MP`s can smell the shit that’s about to hit the fan, well they all have brown noses anyway a little bit more wont hurt, its funny these days just watching any MP on the old telly or pc, look into their eyes you can see that somethings bothering them, that shakyness to the voice speaks volumes.

Anyway this in from press TV,


British Members of Parliament, being anxious for the March 26 anti-cuts demonstration, are to grill Met Police to prevent the heavy-handed tactics it used to apply on students.

A number of Parliament’s joint committee on human rights are extremely worried about the dangerous tactics the police may use to confront the May 26 demonstrators.

Met Police used “kettling” tactics during students’ protests, which caused a chaos across the country.

The committee asked the Met’s Commander Bob Broadhurst, Assistant Commissioner Lynne Owens, chief TUC steward and TUC head of campaigns Nigel Stanley to answer MPs questions.

According to MPs, the tactics the police force may use, could spread anger among peaceful demonstrators

There will be a huge demonstration in Hyde Park on March 26. Ed Miliband, Labour leader, has said he would give a speech in Hyde Park. However, he has not yet said if he would join the central London march afterward. Peter Hain, a Labour shadow cabinet member, has said he would march with the protestors.

Hundreds of public transportation vehicles will bring thousands of activists and protestors to join the demonstration.

The anti-cuts demonstration is to be held on March 26, started at 1100 GMT on the Victoria Embankment between Temple Place and Blackfriars.