Saying NO to the governments systems of control and spreading TRUTH about our status quo Ξ√ΩLUT↑☼N anyone??

Archive for April 13, 2011

Freedom lol


Image by jonycunha via Flickr

Can anyone really say that they are free? Tell you what lets look at freedom and you can decide for yourself, as per usual there may be some swearing in this post so in the interests of the delicate feck off and read something else, but I would rather you stay you might wake up, its only words no harm done.

Ok then FREEDOM, what the hell is this freedom thing eh? We all have our personal interpretations of it and we all think that we are to a certain extent free (fucking lol sorry), into some history of the word we find that the ancient Sumerian people had the first explanation for the word which was more of a feeling than anything else, The English word “freedom” is an Anglo-Saxon word combining the words “free” and “doom.” The word “free” has etymological origins in not having a halter, friend, peace, love, dear and noble. The word “doom” means law and personal judgement or opinion. So a free person does not have a halter round his neck and so is no one’s slave or servant and so is a noble person. Such a person follows his own well considered personal judgment which is within the law. Freedom is a sociological concept and without society the word has no meaning. Liberty is often used as an alternative to freedom.

Hmm so far so good I suppose, is that describing you at all?

Above we can note the word “noble” which as we know refers to the “nobility” to quote wiki here “Nobility is a state-privileged status which is generally hereditary. The privileges associated with nobility may constitute substantial advantages over or relative to non-nobles, or may be largely honorary (e.g. precedence), but are maintained, or at least officially acknowledged, by law or government. Titles of nobility have often been associated with present or past monarchies.

Oh dear that does not sound like me, how about you?

So moving on now to more detail, Freedom is traditionally understood as independence of the arbitrary will of another. Such a state is contrasted with slavery. A slave is constantly subject to the will of another. By contrast a free person can do whatever he chooses as long as he does not break the law and infringe on the freedom of others. This has been described as external freedom or “negative liberty.” To the layman (me and you), this is understood as: “your freedom ends where my nose begins.”

Fuck that sounds more like me, but wait that would mean that I am a free slave, a contradiction if I ever saw one.

Here is more. There is also the sense of inner freedom which exists where free will is followed by free action. A person who does not succeed in doing what he sets out to do, because his will fails, is in a sense unfree, a slave to his passions. His will is not free because it is subject to momentary impulses which distract him from accomplishing what he had determined to do. An example would be a person who is an addict. He may want to give up his addiction but cannot and the decisions he makes are shaped by the need to feed the addiction. So freedom comes from self-control. Goethe said, “From the forces that all creatures bind, who overcomes himself his freedom finds.”

Ok I can live with that.

So complete freedom includes the inner freedom of the will and the external freedom of the environment such that a person’s plans and deliberations are not arbitrarily thwarted by either himself or some other agency, yea it sounds good but it’s not going to happen is it, that “thwarted” bit stands out to me, so who is doing the “thwarting” here, well in part we thwart ourselves through fearing those who seek our control (governments), but that’s not the half of it is it, everyday we do things that we think are right, we walk about adhering to rules and acts that affect everything in our daily lives because we think it’s for our own good, but most of those rules are common sense so why do we need some jumped up little power-hungry pricks in our lives to enforce them, can’t we be trusted?

Why do we even need these fuckers trust, if we are all common law-abiding and consent to the more common sense acts we are all equals are we not? No we are not equals as in the case of the nobility or shall we call them the “elite”, so back to it we are slaves by our own actions enforced by the governmental elites, lets put a stop to it eh, lets tell our masters to fuck off, let us run our own lives in a peaceful way always respectful and tolerant to others.

Just try it, fuck em, live your life starting right now, feel truly FREE in every sense of the word.

So what are you waiting for LET GO !!


    My home IS my castle! (via nominedeus)

    Bodiam Castle in Sussex UK

    Image via Wikipedia

    Ok folks, if there was ever any doubt to how people are affected by this census crap just read on, my friend here is having a rather emotional time over these fuckers and none of it is his fault, he like thousands/millions of others have been threatened by the government, and when you back someone into a corner this is one example of what you are going to get.

    Get over to nominedeus and show your support for the fight will soon be at your door to.

    Following on from the visit from the tw8t from the C*ntsus, today I felt the need to get prepared for the next round, which is sure to come sooner or later! It angers me that I have to do this, but there is no choice after the blatant ignoring of my oh so beautifully crafted signs (thanks for the template Rob). It appears that someone came back on the Sunday (the day after the visit) and dropped a card into our post box , which is on the gate. Th … Read More

    via nominedeus